特高压输电工程植被恢复过程中树草种适宜性研究——以酒泉—湖南±800 kV直流输电工程甘肃段为例







Vegetation restoration and screening with suitable tree and grass taxa for extra-high voltage transmission projects —Taking Gansu section of Jiuquan—Hunan ±800 kV DC transmission line project as an example

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    [目的] 开展输电工程植被恢复及适宜树草种筛选研究,为提升输变电工程植被恢复效率和质量、减少工程造成的水土流失,降低生态恢复成本,保障电网绿色高质量可持续发展提供科学依据。[方法] 以甘肃酒泉—湖南±800 kV直流输电工程甘肃段为例,采用现场调查、实地观测和室内分析的方法,设置26个栽种观测点,观测栽种2 a和5 a草种、树种的生长情况,观测指标主要包括草种及其丛高、干草产量、树种及其株高、分枝数和冠幅。通过熵值法排序并筛选草、树种在输变电沿线各植被分区的生长适宜性。[结果] 根据观测结果,初步筛选出6个草种(冰草、芨芨草、草木犀、紫花苜蓿、老芒麦和披碱草)和6个树种(多花柽柳、柠条、沙棘、梭梭、沙地柏、胡杨)。适宜性评价结果显示:在秦岭阔叶—落叶混交区,芨芨草、紫花苜蓿、柠条均排序第1;在河西走廊荒漠戈壁区,草木樨(第2)和梭梭(第1)排名最高;在河西走廊绿洲平原区,冰草(第2)和沙棘(第1)排名最高;在河西走廊荒漠草原区,老芒麦(第2)、多花柽柳(第1)和胡杨(第1)排名最高;在黄土高原荒漠草原区,披碱草、多花柽柳、柠条、梭梭和沙地柏排序最高,均为第2名;在黄土高原干旱草原区,芨芨草(第2)和沙地柏(第1)排名最高。[结论] 输变电沿线各植被区分植被恢复适宜树草种选择应因地制宜,综合考虑生长适宜性和生态功能,推荐优先选择乡土种,如在黄土高原干旱草原区宜优先种植芨芨草、沙棘和沙地柏。


    [Objective] Vegetation restoration and screening with suitable trees and grasses in power transmission projects were performed to provide scientific guidance to improve vegetation restoration success in power transmission and transformation projects, reduce soil erosion caused by the project, and reduce ecological restoration costs. This is particularly important to guarantee the green, high-quality and sustainable development of power grids. [Methods] Using on-site investigation, field observation, and indoor analysis, 26 planting observation points were set up to observe the growth of grass and tree taxa two and five years after planting. The observation indices mainly included grass taxa and their height, hay production, tree taxa and their height, branch number, and crown width. The entropy value method was used to sort and screen the suitability of the growth of the grass and tree taxa in the various vegetation sub-zones along the transmission and substation routes. [Results] According to the observations, six grass taxa (Agropyron ristatum, Achnathurum splendens, Melilotus suavcolen, Medicago sativa, Elymus sibiricus and Elymus dahuricus) and six tree taxa (Tamarix hohenackeri, Caragana korshinskii, Hippophae rhamnoides, Haloxylon aphyllum, Sabina vulgaris, and Populus euphratica) were screened for the suitability evaluation. The results showed that in the broadleaf-deciduous mixed zone of the Qinling Mountains, A. splendens, M. sativa, and C. korshinskii ranked No. 1. In the desert Gobi zone of the West Hebei Corridor, M. suavcolen (No. 2) and H. aphyllum (No. 1) ranked the highest. In the oasis plain zone of the Hexi Corridor, A. ristatum (No. 2) and H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis (No. 1) ranked the highest. In the desert grassland zone of the Hexi Corridor, E. sibiricus (No. 2), T. hohenackeri (No. 1) and P. euphratica (No. 1) ranked the highest. In the desert steppe zone of the Loess Plateau, E. dahuricus, T. hohenacke, C. korshinskii, H. aphyllum, and S. vulgaris were the most highly ranked species, and they were all ranked No. 2. In the dry steppe zone of the Loess Plateau, A. splendens (No. 2) and S. vulgaris ranked No. 1. [Conclusion] Selecting suitable tree and grass taxa for vegetation restoration in each vegetation zone along the transmission line should be adapted to local conditions, taking into account the suitability for growth and ecological function. It is recommended to prioritize selecting native species. For example, in the dry grassland area of the Loess Plateau, it is preferable to prioritize planting water with A. splendens, H. rhamnoides and S. vulgaris.


金子惠,耿文婷,李永红,安宁,徐宁,李正发,刘晓菊,成晓杰.特高压输电工程植被恢复过程中树草种适宜性研究——以酒泉—湖南±800 kV直流输电工程甘肃段为例[J].水土保持通报,2025,45(1):199-207,253

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  • 收稿日期:2024-05-20
  • 最后修改日期:2024-11-24
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  • 在线发布日期: 2025-02-22
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