





内蒙古自治区科技计划项目“黄河流域腾格里沙漠飞播造林区水资源高效利用新业态技术研究”(2022YFHH0096); 阿拉善左旗2020年飞播造林科技支撑项目(MK0199B012021)

C, N, and P stoichiometry characterization in soil of Hedysarum scoparium community at northeastern edge of Tengger Desert

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    [目的] 研究干旱区植被恢复过程中土壤C,N,P含量的变化规律及其生态化学计量特征,为准确评估固沙植被对干旱环境土壤养分影响提供科学依据。[方法] 以腾格里沙漠东北缘1992年飞播造林区花棒群落为研究对象,以原生植被油蒿群落以及未进行植被恢复措施的流沙地作为对照(CK),分析花棒群落的土壤有机碳(SOC)、全氮(TN)和全磷(TP)含量及其生态化学计量比的剖面特征。[结果] ①恢复约30 a的花棒群落土壤SOC,TN,TP含量分别为0.71,0.03和0.27 g/kg,较未经飞播的流沙地均显著提高,分别提高了73.2%,50%和145.5%,且土壤SOC已恢复到原生植被油蒿群落的58.6%。花棒群落的土壤SOC,TN,TP含量剖面分布规律表现为随土层深度减小,0—10 cm土层显著高于其余土层深度(p<0.05)。②花棒群落的土壤C∶P为0.57,N∶P为0.13,较裸沙分别降低了30.5%,48%,C∶N为22.41,较裸沙提高了73.2%。花棒群落的土壤C∶P,N∶P随土层深度的增加而降低,C∶N呈先增加后降低的趋势。花棒群落0—200 cm深度土壤N∶P均值为0.13,远小于14。[结论] 研究区随着固沙植被的恢复,土壤养分积累明显。花棒群落生长主要受到N元素的限制,建议在后期花棒群落恢复过程中,增施氮肥。花棒群落的土壤有机质矿化速率较低,SOC分解速率小于积累速率,研究区土壤环境有利于花棒群落C的积累。


    [Objective] The variation patterns of C, N, and P contents in soil and their ecological stoichiometric characteristics during the process of vegetation restoration in arid zones was analysed in order to provide a scientific basis for accurately assessing the impacts of sand-fixing vegetation on soil nutrients in arid environments. [Methods] A Hedysarum scoparium community in the 1992 aerial seeding afforestation area at the northeastern edge of the Tengger Desert was taken as the research object. The native vegetation Artemisia oleifera as well as a quicksand land without vegetation restoration measures were used as the control (CK). The soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) levels across a soil profile in the H. scoparium community and their eco-chemometric characteristics were analyzed. [Results] ① The SOC, TN, and TP contents of the soil from the H. scoparium community, which was established more than 30 years ago, were 0.71, 0.03, and 0.27 g/kg, respectively. These were all significantly higher than those of the unseeded quicksand land by 73.2%, 50%, and 145.5%, respectively. The SOC was restored to 58.6% of that of the native vegetation A. oleifera. The distributions of SOC, TN, and TP content in the H. scoparium soil decreased with soil depth and were significantly higher in the 0—10 cm soil layer than in the other soil layers (p<0.05). ② The soil C∶P and N∶P ratios of the H. scoparium community were 0.57, and 0.13, which were 30.5% and 48% lower than those of the bare sand, respectively. The C∶N ratio was 22.41, which was 73.2% higher than that of the bare sand. The soil C∶P and N∶P ratios decreased with increasing soil depth, whereas the C∶N ratio showed an increasing followed by a decreasing trend. The average N∶P ratio in the H. scoparium community at a soil depth of 0—200 cm was 0.13, which was much smaller than 14 in the control groups. [Conclusion] The accumulation of soil nutrients in the study area became evident as sand-fixing vegetation was restored. The growth of the H. scoparium community was mainly limited by N. Thus, it is recommended to apply increased amounts of N fertilizer in the later stages of the H. scoparium community establishment. In addition, the H. scoparium community was observed to have a low soil organic matter mineralization rate, a lower rate of SOC decomposition than SOC accumulation, and a favorable soil environment for C accumulation.


郑晓霞,葛楠,刘艳萍,唐国栋,高永.腾格里沙漠东北缘花棒群落土壤C, N,P的化学计量特征[J].水土保持通报,2025,45(1):74-81

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  • 收稿日期:2024-08-16
  • 最后修改日期:2024-11-13
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  • 在线发布日期: 2025-02-22
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