






Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon Content and Main Influencing Factors in Sponge Green Spaces of Urban Parks

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    [目的]研究城市海绵型绿地土壤固碳特征,为深入认识城市绿地固碳特征以及城市绿地规划与管理提供科学依据。[方法]以南宁市 3个公园的海绵型(雨水花园、净水梯田、植草沟 3 种样式)与常规型(常规乔灌草复层绿地、常规草坪 2 种样式)绿地为对象,分析了两大类型各样式汇集径流碳氮磷含量、绿地凋落物现存量以及 0-20 cm土层土壤有机碳含量。[结果]①海绵型绿地的汇水面积/绿地面积比值以及源自径流输入的有机碳和氮磷量均大于常规型绿地;海绵型与常规型绿地间凋落物现存量无显著差异。②除雨水花园 0-5 cm 土层土壤自然含水量显著高于其他样式绿地外,海绵型各样式绿地 0-5 cm土层土壤的自然含水量、容重和孔隙度与常规型绿地无显著差异。③雨水花园、植草沟 0-20 cm 土层土壤有机碳平均含量分别为 7.73 g/kg 和 10.69 g/kg,分别为常规型乔灌草复层绿地和草坪的 1.33 倍和 2.20 倍;净水梯田的与常规型乔灌草复层绿地无显著差异;海绵型绿地土壤有机碳含量随建成年限增长呈不断增加趋势,汇水面积/绿地面积、径流碳\磷含量、凋落物有机碳含量等是海绵型绿地土壤有机碳含量的主要影响因子。[结论]海绵化改造有利于城市绿地土壤固碳,通过外部径流输入汇集更多有机碳是海绵型绿地土壤碳增汇的主要机制。


    [Objective] Studying the soil carbon sequestration characteristics of urban sponge green spaces can provide a scientific basis for understanding urban green space carbon sequestration and guiding its planning and management. [Methods]In this study,the sponge green spaces (encompassing three forms:rain gardens,water purification terraces,and grass swales) and conventional green spaces (comprising two forms:conventional multi-strata green spaces with trees,shrubs and grasses,and conventional lawns) in three parks in Nanning were selected as the research targets. The contents of carbon,nitrogen and phosphorus in the runoff collected by each form of the two major categories of green spaces,the standing stock of green space litter,and the soil organic carbon content in the 0-20 cm soil layer were analyzed. [Results]① The ratio of the catchment area to the green space area,as well as the amounts of organic carbon,nitrogen and phosphorus introduced via runoff in the sponge green spaces,were all greater than those in the conventional green spaces. There was no significant disparity in the standing stock of litter between the sponge green spaces and the conventional green spaces. ② With the exception that the natural water content in the 0-5 cm soil layer of the rain gardens was markedly higher than that of other forms of green spaces,there were no significant differences in the natural water content,bulk density and porosity of the 0-5 cm soil layer between each form of the sponge green spaces and the conventional green spaces. ③ The average soil organic carbon contents in the 0-20 cm soil layer of the rain gardens and grass swales were 7.73 g/kg and 10.69 g/kg respectively,which were 1.33-fold and 2.20-fold those of the conventional multi-strata green spaces with trees,shrubs and grasses and the conventional lawns respectively. There was no significant difference between the water purification terraces and the conventional multi-strata green spaces with trees,shrubs and grasses. The soil organic carbon content in the sponge green spaces exhibited a continuously ascending trend with the elongation of the construction years. The ratio of the catchment area to the green space area,the contents of carbon and phosphorus in the runoff,and the organic carbon content in the litter were the principal influencing factors for the soil organic carbon content in the sponge green spaces.[Conclusion] The sponge transformation is conducive to soil carbon sequestration in urban green spaces. The aggregation of more organic carbon through the influx of external runoff represents the main mechanism for the augmentation of soil carbon sinks in the sponge green spaces.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-12-04
  • 最后修改日期:2025-01-26
  • 录用日期:2025-02-07
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