Abstract:[Objective]: Investigation on the optimal evaluation model and its indicators for the purple soil erosion resistance in the middle reaches of the Jialing River, and revealing the differences in soil erosion resistance for different land-using patterns, is of significance for ecological environment protection in the Yangtze River Basin. [Methods]: Soil characteristics values including soil aggregates, particle size composition, soil structure, and organic matter were analyzed. Soils erosion resistance was evaluated using the follow four models, i.e., principal component analysis, entropy, principal component-entropy, and principal component-entropy-TOPSIS. [Results]: (1) Five principal components including aggregate structure, soil particles, soil structure, cementation, and dispersion were extracted. (2) The optimal indicators for evaluating the erosion resistance of purple soil were identified, that are clay content, fine clay content, structural particle index, average diameter of air-dried aggregates, >0.5mm and >0.25mm aggregate destruction rate, >0.5mm and >0.25mm water-stable aggregate content, aggregation degree, and dispersion rate. (3) The evaluation results using principal component-entropy-TOPSIS model are significantly different and good fitting effect. [Conclusion]: (1) The principal component-entropy-TOPSIS model is suitable for evaluating soil erosion resistance in purple soil areas, compared to other evaluation models. (2): The strength of soil erosion resistance in different land-using types presented as: abandoned land>grassland>forest land>orchard>dryland.