



Sap Flow of Sabina Vulgaris and Its Influencing Factors on Ordos Plateau
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    [目的] 分析沙地柏液流通量变化特征及主要影响因子,为沙地植被的保护提供理论依据。[方法] 以鄂尔多斯高原沙地植被的优势种沙地柏为研究对象,利用热扩散(TDP)技术监测生长季沙地柏的液流动态,通过相关分析和回归分析等研究其与气象因子的关系。[结果] 晴天沙地柏的液流通量为单峰曲线,干旱时为双峰曲线。雨天沙地柏的液流通量为单峰或双峰曲线。晴天沙地柏液流通量的最大值是2.30~23.38 g/(cm2·h)。沙地柏液流通量对降雨的响应具有1~4 d的时滞。生长季沙地柏液流通量与光合有效辐射、水汽压亏缺、气温和风速均呈显著正相关,而与相对湿度和降雨量呈显著负相关。[结论] 鄂尔多斯高原沙地柏的液流通量随天气而变化。太阳辐射和水分是沙地柏液流通量的主要影响因子。建议当地加强对沙地柏灌丛的保护,防止由于过度水分消耗导致的植被退化。


    [Objective] The sap flow dynamics of Sabina vulgaris and the influencing factors was studied in order to provide theoretical support for the protection of sandy land vegetation.[Methods] The dominant species of S. vulgaris on the Ordos Plateau, which was the typical natural sandy land vegetation in Inner Mongolia, was taken as a case. The sap flow dynamic of S. vulgaris was monitored by thermal dissipation probe technology. Its relationships with climatic factors were analyzed by correlation and regression analyses.[Results] The sap flow dynamics of S. vulgaris was a single-peak curve on sunny days, and a double-peak curve during drought; however, it was a single-or double-peak curve on rainy days. The daily maximal value of sap flow of S. vulgaris was 2.30-23.38 g/(cm2·h) on sunny days. There was a 1-4 days time lag in the response of the sap flow of S. vulgaris to rain. The sap flow was significantly positively correlated with photosynthetically active radiation, vapor pressure deficit, air temperature, and wind speed, but it was significantly negatively correlated with relative humidity and precipitation in the growing season.[Conclusion] The sap flow of S. vulgaris on the Ordos Plateau varied with weather. Solar irradiation and water were the main influencing factors for the sap flow of S. vulgaris. S. vulgaris shrub land should be protected to prevent vegetation degradation caused by excessive water consumption.

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