

Effects of Different Proportional N, P and K Treatments on Nutrients Absorption & Accumulation and Yield of Cabbage
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    [目的]对兰州市甘蓝生产中的氮磷钾三要素与产量、养分吸收的关系进行研究,为该地区甘蓝科学栽培提供科学依据。[方法]以该区域主栽春茬品种"中甘21"为供试材料,设CK,NP,NK,PK,NPK 5个施肥处理。在甘蓝各生育阶段测量其生物量、养分含量,分析不同肥料配比对甘蓝各时期养分吸收速率、养分累积量以及最终产量的影响。[结果]"中甘21"的生物累积动态呈现S形曲线,生物量在苗期增加较小,结球后生长加快,至成熟期后生长速度减缓。氮肥对生物量的形成影响最大,其对甘蓝生物量的限制在整个生育期都存在,其次是钾肥和磷肥。不同肥料配比显著影响了甘蓝植株养分吸收速率和累积量。甘蓝对养分的吸收速率变化趋势一致,均表现为:结球-成熟 > 莲座-结球 > 苗期-莲座>移栽-苗期。同时氮、磷、钾的吸收累积量随着甘蓝生长不断提高,其中氮、磷素的累积在结球期后提高明显,钾素的累积在莲座期后开始提高。甘蓝氮、磷、钾含量随着植株的生长逐渐增加,同时累积量不断提高。[结论]不同氮磷钾肥料配比显著影响甘蓝的生物质量和产量以及养分利用率,其中氮肥的影响最大,其次是磷肥和钾肥。


    [Objective] The purpose of the study was conducted to clarify the effect of fertilization on cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) yield and N, P, and K nutrient absorption. We expected to provide scientific basis for fertilization reasonably in Lanzhou City.[Methods] A spring cabbage variety "Zhonggan 21" that is cultivated widely in Gansu Province was used as test material in this experiment. Field fertilization with CK (no fertilizer), PK, NK, NP and NPK treatments was carried out in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province in 2013. Dry matters of the cabbage and contents of N, P2O5 and K2O in it were examined respectively at each growth stage. The influences of different fertilizer combination treatments on N, P2O5 and K2O contents and cabbage yield were analyzed, and the absorption rates of N, P and K at different growing stages were explored.[Results] The accumulated amount of dry matter of cabbage exhibited a "S" shaped line. The biomass was relatively low at seeding stage, and increased rapidly after cabbaged phase, but increased slowly and steadily at maturity stage. Nitrogen fertilizer was found having a great influence on biomass at each stage. Phosphate and potash were found having less influences on it. It proved that different fertilizer treatments significantly affected the contents and absorption rates of N, P2O5 and K2O. The results showed that the rates of absorption of N, P2O5 and K2O gradually increased from seedling stage to maturity stage. It also promoted nutrient content. In particular, the N and P accumulations improved obviously at cabbage phase, but K accumulation appeared a great increase at rosette stage.[Conclusion] Ratios of N, P and K fertilizers could significantly affect cabbage biomass, nutrient content and accumulation, nutrition use efficiency and yield. The most important factor is nitrogen fertilizer, the second one is phosphate, the influence from potash is the lowest.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-04-14
  • 最后修改日期:2017-05-08
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-01-19