Abstract:Landslips in Sanchuanhe watershed in Shanxi Province aro classifiedand named by three indices of "slipbed". "stability", and "slip volunme". Inthe investigation,the color synthesized landsat images in scale of 1:100,000maps in scale of 1: 50,000 and 1: 100,000, and the maps of geology, geomorphology, water system, plantation and soil erosion etc., are taken asthe major resource of information. Then, by visual judgment the landslipsare determined in existence, type, stability and scale. The result showsthat the area of landslip are highly correlated with their lengthes and widthes. If the concerned data from the classification map of landslips distrition transformed in net of landslip is input to computer, controlled withmanage system of DBASE Ⅲ data base, the number, area and volume ofthe slips could be calculated,and ten special maps such as that of distribution intensity could be obtained,which would provide the information needed for the regional renovation and development.